Pragmatic Architecture
Knowledge of the construction
Well-being of the client

Every project is unique. Our duty is to identify the needs and translate them into a pragmatic and modern architectural language according to financial limits given by the client.
The knowledge of the construction is the central point of our practice. Therefore, we are involved in teaching in the College for Engineer and Architects in Fribourg. We also offer workplaces for apprenticeship for students coming from building design school. We are very proud to take part in the professional training of the young generation in Fribourg.
Beyond technical and aesthetical themes, we believe that the satisfaction of the client is an important criterion for a successful project. Therefore, with our experience and our knowledge, we take care of our clients by supporting them and advising them in every steps. We can offer assistance for buying a property, for any discussion with the notary, the banks and the authorities and to guide the clients through the multiple choices during the building works.

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